President Henry B. Eyring: ‘Where Two or Three Are Gathered’

President Henry B. Eyring
President Henry B. Eyring (LDS Church)

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were admonished to pray earnestly in order to draw nearer to the Lord during the Saturday morning session of the 186th Annual General Conference.

“Today my message to us all is that there will be a precious opportunity in the next few days to choose to have our hearts softened to receive and nourish the seed,” President Henry B. Eyring said.

“The seed is the word of God, and it will be poured out on all of us who listen, watch, and read the proceedings of this conference.”

President Eyring explained that the Lord has promised he would be close to each of his disciples. He told of letters written to him by two different converts of the church who once had strong testimonies, but began havingĀ a difficult time feeling the love of the Lord.

President Eyring explained that all members have much in common with those who wrote to him for help.

“All of us have had our faith tested by precious blessings delayed, vicious attacks of those who wanted to destroy our faith, temptations to sin, and selfish interests that reduced our efforts to cultivate and soften the spiritual depths of our hearts,” President Eyring said.

He explained that choosing to pray throughout the two days of general conference will “create in your heart a more fertile ground for the good word of God to grow and be fruitful.”

President Eyring encouraged saints to pray for the blessing of the Holy Ghost during the talks and while the choir sang.

“If you not only listen, but pray as they sing, your prayer and their prayers will be answered with a blessing upon your head, as well as theirs. You will feel the blessing of the Saviors love and approval,” President Eyring said.

After asking members to pray for the speakers as they near the testimony portion of their talks, he told of experiences of when his testimony has been the answer to another’s prayer.

“More than once someone has said to me after my testimony, ‘How did you know what I so needed to hear?’ I have learned not to be surprised when I cannot remember saying the words. I spoke the words of testimony, but the Lord was there, giving them to me in the moment.”

President Eyring testified that prayer will allow the saints to have a fruitful experience while at conference this weekend.

“Your choice to pray with full purpose of heart will transform your experience in the conference session and in the days and months that follow,” President Eyring said.

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