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Self-policing BYU parking

I’m a grad student, and I’m frustrated with how many undergrads park in grad student parking or faculty parking and the parking police don’t come by frequently enough to ticket the students.

I think the BYU App should add a feature where any person can take a picture of someone’s license plate, and it tells if the car belongs in that specific parking lot, and submit it for a ticket or not.

The app could use the submitter’s phone’s GPS to detect which parking lot the submitter is standing in — whether a Y Lot, G Lot, or A Lot — and when the submitter takes a picture of someone’s license plate, the app could use the same license plate detection software the parking police use when they drive around, to determine if the parked car rightfully belongs in the parking lot. If it doesn’t belong, then the car could get an electronic notification that it was ticketed.

Joseph Murphy
New Orleans, Louisiana