Why American Heritage matters


As students of Brigham Young University, we’re accustomed to hearing the statement, “Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve.” The founders of BYU created this motto to inspire students to “use their knowledge and skills not only to enrich their own lives but also to bless their families, their communities, the church and the larger society.” In support of this vision, American Heritage became a mandatory course for all students. A 2012 Gallup poll reported that only 41 percent of millennials are politically active. My hope is that as students informed of our country’s heritage, we will rise above that statistic.

It is said there is no better teacher than the past. As I am currently taking American Heritage, I have come to realize the significant impact individuals can make when they decide to implement their education into communities. American Heritage gives us an avenue to “Go Forth to Serve” by providing an understanding of what it takes to defend freedom, remain informed on current issues and have a voice. In a world declining in moral fiber, university students who are determined to stay involved have the ability to keep our country how its founders meant for it to be.

Emily Wade
St. George

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