House Judiciary Committee
8:00 AM – 20 House Building
1. HB0411 Victim Restitution Amendments
2. HB0407 Litigation Transparency Act
House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee
8:00 AM – 25 House Building
1. HB0276 Disorderly Conduct Amendments
2. HB0433 Peace Officer Merit Amendments
3. HB0359 Workplace Discrimination
4. HB0185 Juvenile Detention Facilities Amendments
Senate Economic Development and Workforce Services Committee
8:00 AM – 215 Senate Building
1. SB0273 Repeal of Veterans' Nursing Home Account
2. SB0268 Prison Relocation Commission
3. SB0270 Repeal of Prison Relocation and Development Authority
4. HCR008 Concurrent Resolution Regarding Moving the State Prison
5. HB0356S01 New Convention Facility Development Incentive Provisions
6. HB0094 Workers' Compensation and Home and Community Based Services
7. HB0268S02 Dangerous Weapons Amendments
Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee
8:00 AM – 250 State Capitol
1. SB0269 Annual Leave Program II for State Employees
2. HB0123 Property Tax Lien Amendments
3. HCR009 Concurrent Resolution Recognizing the 20th Anniversary of the Utah Commission on Service and Volunteerism
4. HCR011 Concurrent Resolution Recognizing 100th Anniversary of Logan Regional Hospital
Senate Government Operations and Political Subdivisions Committee
8:11 AM – 415 State Capitol
1. SB0274 Water Jurisdiction Amendments
2. SB0267 Governmental Immunity Act Amendments
3. HB0414 Legislative Subpoena Amendments
4. HB0120S01 Continuing Education on Federalism
5. HB0200 Unlawful Removal or Vandalism of Campaign Signs
6. HCR005 Concurrent Resolution to Protect State Funds
7. HB0333 Payroll Services Amendments
8. HB0262S02 Local Governing Body Voting Amendments
9. HB0193 Appropriations and Budgeting Amendments
House Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee
8:30 AM – 445 State Capitol
1. SCR009 Concurrent Resolution Concerning Proposed Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards
2. SB0120S02 Shelter Animal Vaccine Amendments
3. HB0183 Federal Land Exchange and Sale Amendments
House Transportation Committee
9:30 AM – 450 State Capitol
1. SB0234 Cory B. Wride Memorial Highway
House: 10:00 AM – 11:50 AM & 2:00 PM – 3:50 PM
Senate: 10:00 AM – 11:50 AM & 2:00 PM – 3:50 PM
House Retirement and Independent Entities Committee
12:00 PM – 20 House Building
1. SB0059S02 Independent Entities Financial Transparency Disclosure
House Special Investigative Committee
12:15 – 445 State Capitol
Investigative Update
Discuss final report
Senate Judicial Confirmation Committee
12:15 PM – 450 State Capitol
Interview of Mr. Keith C. Barnes
House Economic Development and Workforce Services Committee
4:00 PM – 25 House Building
1. HB0176 Food Handler Permit Amendments
2. SB0205 Controlled Substance Penalty Amendment
3. SB0088S01 Child Interview Amendments
4. SB0228 Geographic Diversity Amendments
5. SB0016 Veterans Tuition Gap Coverage
6. SB0063S02 Compact for Interstate Sharing of Putative Father Registry Information
House Government Operations Committee
4:00 PM – 20 House Building
1. HB0189 Inherent Risk of Recreational Activities Amendments
2. SB0067S01 Amendments to Public Utilities Title
3. SB0070 State Data Portal Amendments
4. SB0212 Invasive Species Amendments
5. SB0225 Repeal of Business Development for Disadvantaged Rural Communities Account
6. SJR004 Joint Resolution on Water Rights on Grazing Lands
House Political Subdivisions Committee
4:00 PM – 450 State Capitol
1. HB0174 Uniform Powers of Appointment Act
2. HB0177 Juror and Witness Fees Amendments
3. SB0113 Public Meetings Amendments
4. SB0218 Charter School Amendments
5. SB0230 Insurance Modifications
6. SB0248 Judicial Retention Election Amendments
House Revenue and Taxation Committee
4:00 PM – 445 State Capitol
1. HB0161 Prohibition on Electronic Data Collection Assistance
2. HB0188 Court Security Revisions
3. SB0093S01 Internal Audit Amendments
4. SB0201 Expungement Modifications
5. SB0213 Compulsory Pooling Amendments
6. SB0224 Renewable Energy Tax Credit Amendments
7. HB0434 Local Sales and Use Tax Amendments
8. SB0233S01 Utah Small Business Jobs Act
Senate Education Committee
4:00 PM – 210 Senate Building
1. HB0153 Study on Contribution and Credit for Education Funding
2. HB0239 Front-line Teachers Data Program
3. HB0223 School Board Elections Provisions
4. HB0118S01 Personal Injury Damages Amendments
5. HB0147 Peace Officer Agreements with Federal Agencies
6. HB0236 State School Board Nomination Revisions
7. HB0241 School Records Amendments
Senate Health and Human Services Committee
4:00 PM – 250 State Capitol
1. SB0258 Educator Licensure Amendments
2. SB0272 Expansion of Medicaid Program
3. HB0367S02 Physical Therapy Scope of Practice Amendments
4. HB0141S02 Health Reform Amendments
5. HB0251S01 Unsworn Declaration Amendments
6. HB0375 Parent-time after Relocation of a Parent
7. HB0361 Certificate of Stillbirth Amendments
8. HB0265S01 Probate Code Amendments
9. HB0143 Psychiatric Nurse Amendments
Senate Business and Labor Committee
4:10 PM – 215 Senate Building
1. SB0271 Postjudgment Interest Amendments
2. SB0146 Government Ethics Amendments
3. HB0246S02 Failure to Report Contributions or Public Service Assistance
4. HB0357S01 Budgetary Amendments
5. HB0133S01 Contingent Management for Federal Facilities
6. HB0152 Highway Sponsorship Program Act
7. HB0324S01 Ortho-bionomy Exemption Amendments
8. HB0394 Campaign Finance Revisions
9. HB0112S04 Regulation of Electronic Cigarettes
10. HB0302S01 Voting Records Amendments
11. HB0243S02 Amendments to the Fund of Funds
Executive Appropriations Committee
6:00 PM – 210 Senate Building
- Budget Actions