Utah Gov. Herbert warns lawmakers about upending ‘Count My Vote’


By Ryan Joyner

SALT LAKE CITY — Utah Republican Gov. Gary Herbert says he believes the current Utah caucus system is good if “people show up.”

The Governor during the press conference
The Governor during the press conference

Speaking Tuesday, Feb. 26, upon his return from the National Governors’ Association meetings in Washington, Herbert shared his thoughts about the different proposals supported by lawmakers and a citizen ballot initiative called “Count My Vote.

Herbert noted that the Legislature should be careful not to circumnavigate the citizen-led initiative. He has earlier threatened to veto any bill that appeared to quash the Count My Vote effort.

“I have problems with the Legislature telling anyone how they conduct their affairs” said Herbert.

In comments comparing the primary and caucus systems Governor Herbert said, “I think [the current caucus system is] a good system if people show up.”

On the national level, Herbert said, “We (Utah) are clearly being noted for Utah’s excellence,”

The governor highlighted education during the brief meeting, focusing on  issues of “restitution” and “equity” in higher education, as well as the $64 million that he has proposed be budgeted for educational usage.

Herbert also spoke about the Utah bill dealing with relocating the state prison from the Point of the Mountain, stating that he applauded the effort but that its not just about bricks and mortar, its about rehabilitating inmates when they go out that door they become productive members of society.

The governor ended by reemphasizing Utah’s air quality saying, “out of sight should not mean out of mind.”

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