Letter: Graffiti


To the people who spray painted Gordon B. Hinckley’s face on the south campus stairs, I have some advice for you.

First off, let me say that I get it. You weren’t thinking of the consequences. You thought that because what you spray painted was an image of the prophet saying, “be happy,” it wouldn’t be considered “that bad.” You thought that the grounds crews would look at it and shake their heads with a smile saying, “those kids” and move on. Let me tell you, the university isn’t laughing at your spray painted spiritual thought.

You just committed a crime. Not only that, you committed a crime against your own school; a school that offers you an elite education largely at the expense of tithe payers around the world. You have to understand that your actions have consequences, no matter how white, wealthy, privileged, Mormon, well inentioned or how good of a home teacher you are. Your lack of perspective is insulting to the rest of the student body.

My advice to you is to turn yourself in the police department. The good news is that I called ahead for you and Provo doesn’t consider graffiti a felony, only a class B misdemeanor. That means you won’t be dismissed from campus. You are looking at probation, and probably only a fine and community service.
If I could wager a guess, I would guess that you won’t turn yourself in. You will go on ignoring the consequences.

Wilton, Calif.

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