Letter: A place of privilege


This may be a little different from other letters to the editor, but I wanted to express my gratitude for Brigham Young University.

This is my first year here and even though I’ve only been on campus for three weeks, I already love it. Not just because of the social environment, the majestic mountains and RMs, but because of the spirit and the endless opportunities present here.

To have the gospel intertwined with all my studies is unlike anything I have ever experienced before.

Back in my hometown of 20,000, there is not a significant amount of high school graduates that complete their college education or even try.

The few youth from my home ward are planning on going to a community college or the local university and will probably live in the same town they were born in for the rest of their life.

More than anything, I wish those youth and other youth and adults with similar stories could attend this university.

From the beautiful buildings and green lawns, to the friendly smiles and rigorous curriculum, this is more than anything I could have imagined.

I hope as we all plow through this semester, we keep in mind the many people who will never have the opportunities we are privileged to experience every day.

I pray we can all make the most of our time here at BYU, commit ourselves to excellence and personal growth and not lose sight of what this great place is all about.

Laura Deveraux
Macomb, Ill.


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