Letter to the Editor: Don’t judge others


    Dear Editor,

    I’d just like to make a quick comment regarding the latest counsel regarding number of earrings for women. I was buying groceries at Smith’s last week, and the sacker asked me if I was a BYU student. “Yes,” I replied. Then he asked if he could look at my ears, because they were covered by my hair.

    What is this? Now that the prophet has come out and said how many earrings we should or should not wear, does that give others the right to judge?

    Never mind that I have had my ears double-pierced for 10 years, but have now decided to take one pair out in order to be obedient. That’s nobody’s business but my own. It’s not like I come up to random strangers and ask them if they have any tattoos or drink caffeinated beverages or watch R-rated movies. This is a matter of personal integrity, just like all other aspects of obedience. There’s no need for an outside party to feel duty-bound to keep me on the straight and narrow path. If anyone else tries to police my ears, be prepared to receive the same answer I gave that sacker, “No.”

    Rachelle Hulme


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