Letter to the editor: Justice Thomas wrongfully judged in letter


    Dear Editor:

    I was astounded by the letter to the editor regarding Justice Clarence Thomas. I cannot believe the self-righteous arrogance of the authors of that letter. They stated BYU should only have speakers that have not committed acts of immorality, dishonesty or other inappropriate conduct. So I assume BYU will never have a speaker again until our Savior makes his triumphant return.

    I attended BYU and was happy to be there. However, that letter made me feel ashamed. Can only perfect people speak at the school? In addition, even if the allegations against Clarence Thomas were true, they would not meet the criteria for sexual harassment under the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission guidelines. So let us not condemn or judge people. We should only condemn immoral acts. Let us truly be the Lord’s people before we are the Lord’s University.

    Russell C. Vaclaw

    Norman, Okla.

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