President Packer testifies of Christ and his role


President Boyd K. Packer, of the Quorum of the Twelve, addressed young adults of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at Sunday’s CES Fireside. He testified of the Savior and His role in justice, mercy and repentance.

President Packer told of the parable of the debtor who borrowed recklessly and gave little thought to the day when the creditor would come to collect the loan. The debtor begged for mercy while his creditor demanded justice.

“Neither could prevail without the expense of the other,” President Packer said. “Both laws it seemed, could not be served.”

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President Boyd K. Packer addresses the young adults of the church at the CES Fireside on Sunday in the Marriott Center.
Although the eternal ideas of justice and mercy seem to contradict each other, President Packer said there is a way for both to prevail.

“The law of justice can be fully satisfied and mercy fully extended, but it takes someone else,” he said.

President Packer said just as the mediator in the parable stepped in and offered mercy to the debtor and justice to the creditor, so did the Savior intervene on behalf of all mankind.

“Both laws were fulfilled because there was a mediator,” he said. “There is a mediator, a redeemer, who stands both willing and able to meet the demands of justice.”

President Packer said although the Savior offers mercy, it is not immediate.

“The extension of mercy will not be automatic,” he said. “It will come through covenants with him, it will be on his terms.”

President Packer said repentance is required to activate mercy.

“Our transgressions are all added to our account,” he said. “And one day, if it is not properly settled — unless we have repented — we will be found wanting and stand condemned. Learn to keep your spiritual account paid off.”

President Packer said people often try to ignore the guilt of sin by pretending it doesn’t matter.

“But we know better,” he said. “It does matter.”

To those who wonder if they can repent and be forgiven of their sins, President Packer said the answer is yes.

“The gospel teaches us that relief from torment and guilt can be earned through repentance,” he said. “Save those very few, there is no habit, no addiction, no rebellion, no transgression, no offense, large or small, which is exempt from the promise of complete forgiveness.”

President Packer warned members to steer clear of the adversary and his destructive influences.

“You know what is right and what is wrong,” he said. “Be careful not to cross that line.”

He counselled members to have faith in the process of repentance.

“If at first you stumble, do not give up,” he said. “Overcoming discouragement is part of the test. Once you have confessed and forsaken your sins, do not look back.”

President Packer said understanding the how of the the Savior’s sacrifice is not as important as the why.

“He did it for the love of the Father and of all mankind,” he said. “He was willing to take upon himself the mistakes, the sins, the guilt, and the doubt and the fear of all the world. He suffered for us that we would not have to suffer.”

President Packer counseled members to actively repent and move forward in faith.

“Then the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will come into your life once again,” he said. “And you and he will remember your sins no more. He will step in and solve the problems you cannot solve. But you have to pay the price, it doesn’t come without you doing that.”

He closed by testifying of Jesus Christ and his divine role as Savior and Redeemer.

“Our burdens and disappointments, sins and guilt, can be laid before him and under his generous terms, each item on the account can be marked ‘paid in full,'” he said.

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