Stadium Clean Up


Friday nights usually means date night. However, for one BYU student, his unusual date was with stadium clean up. Armed to the teeth with brooms, hoses, and gloves, Andrew Cunningham and his fellow ROTC cadets took on the challenge of cleaning Lavell Edwards stadium after the game.

“We’re here to clean up after all the fans after they leave their trash, and we’re here to have fun and do a good job,” Cunningham said.

The average time it takes to clean a set of stands in Lavell Edwards stadium is about three hours. Cunningham and the ROTC cadets were able to finish cleaning their section in about two hours.

“We always challenge ourselves to beat our last record that we set.  So it’s kinda a time crunch to see how fast we can do it and how well we can do it,” Cunningham said.

The cadets sweep all the trash to the aisles and bag it.  Trash ends up in black bags that go to the land fill, and the plastic bottles are put into white back and take a trip to the recycling plant.

After the trash is taken care of, cadets are given fire hoses to spray down the stadium.  To ensure that everything is clean, they take one more sweep through the stands and do quality control so that the stadium is ready for the next game.


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