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For the girls- how the Utah Royals are instilling confidence in the next generation...

Story, photos, and graphics by Shauna Romrell. https://youtu.be/qSxG57mR5go Hannah’s blue eyes grew wide as she surveyed the wall in front of her. Before her stood a...
Joe Wirthlin

Students share experiences donating plasma

While plasma donations help many people, there are some risks. Some university students have mixed feelings about donating plasma and feel they would rather go without the cash.

Video of the Day: Hogle Zoo welcomes a new baby gorilla

Hogle Zoo’s Western lowland gorilla, Pele, welcomes her new baby boy to the troop. The Hogle Zoo says that they’re excited for this birth and its contribution to the critically

Faculty, students share credit card advice

Faculty and students shared their advice when it comes to getting a credit card and building a high credit score.

BYU public health professor invites students to take hold of Christ

Ali Crandall, an associate professor of public health in the BYU College of Life Sciences, gave a devotional on Tuesday, June 4 in the Marriott Center.

Slow and steady wins the race: Lucas Bons’ climb to become one of the...

Slow and steady wins the race: Lucas Bons’ climb to become one of the top milers in the country Kelly Clarkson famously sings, “What doesn’t...