Opinion: No one cares about mine

No one goes into the journalism field wanting to share their opinion. Everyone who goes into journalism does so because they believe, deep down to their cores, that people have a right to be informed. And that without being informed, democracy, freedom and the foundation of society would collapse.

Opinion: Some things are bigger than money

While offering free period products is a daunting proposal, there are things people can do every day to help women receive the support they need — little by little, day by day until the period talk is no longer one to be embarrassed about. One of the easiest things people can do is talk about periods!

Opinion: The power of saying no

Setting boundaries in relationships, work and church settings is crucial in maintaining your sense of autonomy and self-worth. Some of us are so consumed with how others feel that we sacrifice our own happiness trying to please them.

Opinion: Yes, I am like other girls

Picture this: The year is 2009. I have just turned 10 years old, and I have also just purchased a T-shirt with my favorite band on it. This band, of course, is the Jonas Brothers. The iconic Disney Channel boy band who I had been obsessed with for several years by this point.

Opinion: Proposed rules for Utah journalists hurt everyone

On Feb. 15, the Utah State Senate pushed through SR1 sponsored by Sen. Mike McKell, R-Spanish Fork, which limits a journalist's access to the senate floor.

Opinion: Why Valentine’s Day is better single

If the true value of a relationship comes from shared life experience, then I propose we extend the meaning of Valentine’s Day to encompass more than the romantic.
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