Stress may be determined by genetics

The New York Times reports that our ability to handle stress may be connected to a specific gene. Scientists discovered that the COMT gene...

Salt Lake-based health-tech company takes lead

Matt Berry, CEO of Orca Health and BYU alumnus, has decided to team up with Harvard to develop some groundbreaking apps for smartphones and...

Social interaction can affect your health

Research conducted by BYU academics shows that not regularly interacting with others can be as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a...

Blog: Coconut water health claims may be exaggerated

Coconut water is the clear liquid found in young, green coconuts. It has long been a popular beverage in the tropics because it is...

Chemical in cleaners and air fresheners may be affecting your health

A bleach-clean, lemon-fresh scented home may not always be a good thing.According to recent research done by the Environmental Working Group, an organization that...

‘The Lizzie Bennet Diaries’ brings ‘Pride and Prejudice’ to social media

"Pride and Prejudice" just celebrated its 200th birthday but is no closer to being outdated than the day it was created. A new, online adaptation...
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