Good News Thursday: Man adopts baby he found in trash can, 100 million-year-old dinosaur footprints are found in China 


Man adopts baby he found in trash can

Jimmy Amisial hugs his son, Emilio, whom he rescued from a trash can in Haiti almost five years ago. Amisial now travels between Haiti and the United States where he studies at Texas State University. (Good News Network)

A 27-year-old Hatian Jimmy Amisial took in a baby he found in a trash can while visiting his mom in Haiti five years ago. Amisial, a student at Texas State University, came across the child when he was four months old after noticing a large group of people huddled around a trash can. After making his way to the front of the group, Amisial discovered the baby and took him home.

Even though Amisial was already struggling to pay for college and make ends meet, he became the child’s legal guardian and has since applied to adopt the young boy. Amisial now splits his time between Haiti and the United States to care for the boy, named Emilio. Emilio loves music and started school at just 5 years old.

“Something inside was telling me that this had happened for a reason, so I took a leap of faith,” Amisial said. “I had to do what I had to do when no one else wanted to do it, and I’m so grateful for the past four and a half years.”

100 million-year-old dinosaur footprints are found in China

At least six footprints of sauropod dinosaurs were discovered in Leshan, Sichuan Province in China. The prints were discovered in an urban restaurant using 3D scans of the floor. (Good News Network)

Footprints of a pair of sauropods–long-necked dinosaurs were found at a restaurant in Leshan, Sichuan Province in China. The restaurant sits atop farmland and the prints were found buried under the soil. Lida Xing, a paleontologist and associate professor at the China University of Geosciences, told USA TODAY the prints were confirmed using 3D scans of the restaurants floor.

The prints are believed to have been created during the Cretaceous Period, the last era of the dinosaurs before the Earth was struck by an asteroid. According to Xing, the sauropods would have been 26 feet long. The restaurant owner has since fenced off the area in the courtyard so the footprints go undisturbed. Xing says China’s rapid development makes studying fossils challenging for paleontologists, and makes the discovery even more rare.

“I saw at least six footprints of sauropod dinosaurs that were quite well preserved,” Xing said. “It is extremely rare to come across such a discovery in an urban restaurant.”

Giant diamond is found in Angola

This photo supplied by Lucapa Diamond Company on Wednesday, July 27, 2022, shows the 170 carat pink diamond, right, recovered from Lulo, Angola. A big pink diamond of 170 carats has been discovered in Angola and is claimed to be the largest such gemstone found in 300 years. Called the “Lulo Rose,” the diamond was found at the Lulo alluvial diamond mine. The mine’s owner, the Lucapa Diamond Company, on Wednesday announced the discovery of the large pink diamond on its website. (Lucapa Diamond Company via AP)
A 170 carrot diamond has been discovered in Angola, the largest of its kind to be found in 300 years. (AP News)

A pink 170 carat diamond was discovered in Angola and is the largest gemstone of its kind to be found in 300 years. The diamond was found at the Lulo alluvial diamond mine. Lucapa Diamond Company announced the discovery on Wednesday on its website. The mine recovers stones from a river bed and searches for underground deposits known as kimberlite pipes, which would be the source of the diamonds.

The gem is expected to auction for an extremely high value. The pink gemstone is the fifth largest diamond found at the mine, where 27 diamonds of 100 carats or more have been found, according to Lucapa.

“Only one in 10,000 diamonds is colored pink. So you’re certainly looking at a very rare article when you find a very large pink diamond,” Lucapa CEO Stephen Wetherall told The Associated Press.

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