Police Beat – Best of Spring 2007


Property Damage:

May 14: The driver-side window of a parked truck at Lot 34 was broken when the owner returned. Police found a steel nut inside the vehicle, which may have been the cause of the broken glass. No contents of the vehicle were missing.

May 15: A motor vehicle hit a bike chained to the bike rack located at Wymount Terrace near building 15D. Identification of the vehicle is unknown.

May 20: A driver drove through approximately 20 feet of fencing and hit a tree. The driver fled the scene of the accident. Police found the individual the car belonged to. The driver claimed to have fallen asleep. The driver suffered rib injuries. The estimated damages to the property are unknown.

Traffic Incidents:

May 15: Road rage overtook two individuals as a female driver was driving behind a male driver and got upset. She said he was driving too slowly, and he said he was driving the speed limit. They discovered they both lived at Wymount, and after parking their cars they yelled at each other. The man later apologized for yelling at the woman.

June 5: A woman in the Wilkinson Center left a bag unattended at a table. Approximately 5 minutes later she realized this and returned to find her bag missing. She checked the lost and found no reports of the bag. Items in the bag included: a Mac Book that’s estimated to be worth $1,200, movies, Social Security Card, Passport and credit cards.

June 5: A male student forgot to log off a lab computer in the Nicholes building. About 24 hours later he realized that someone had used his account 38 times and printed 301 copies.

Criminal Mischief:

June 4: A door on the Southwest corner of the Field House was covered in graffiti. It appeared the individual had used a black Sharpie marker to write the letters DECO with arrows pointing at a #1 under it. There are no suspects and the door has since been repainted.


May 10: At 1:30 a.m., police found that locks on the Richards building were partially dismantled, showing signs of an attempted entry.

May 11: A man was banned from campus for 24 hours because of walking through private sectors of the ASB. Employees said his behavior concerned them and made them feel uncomfortable. He is under review for receiving a permanent ban from BYU campus.

Compiled By Geren Tea

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