Letter to the Editor: Let gays into the Boy Scouts


    Dear Editor,

    The recent ruling by the Supreme Court to ban gay scout leaders is a travesty, the effects of which can not be completely understood.

    The spoken argument by the BSA is they do not agree with the gay lifestyle. The unspoken fear, however, is these leaders will try to influence and take advantage of the boys. The problem with this argument is homosexuality is not learned, despite people’s naive notions, and pedophilia is more common among straight men than among gay ones.

    The real damage is the message this action sends to those thousands of young gay scouts who are struggling with feelings they don’t understand and who live in constant fear. My brother was an Eagle Scout and he was also gay.

    One summer, when he was only 14, he cried every night for a week before scout camp because he was afraid someone would discover his secret and beat him up. This recent ruling only enforces this atmosphere of hatred and intolerance.

    We are all familiar with Jesus’ saying, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” What’s more telling, however, is what he said next. When he asked the adulteress women if she had any more accusers, she said, “No man, Lord.” He replied, “Neither do I condemn thee (John 8:7-11).” We would all be well advised to not cast our spiritual stones and to follow the example of Jesus Christ.

    Bill Matis


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