Letter to the editor: Good Samaritans deserve thanks


    Dear Editor,

    This past Friday, my good friend and roommate was the victim of a freak bicycle accident. He was thrown over the handlebars, suffering head injuries that left him unable to seek first aid on his own. He remembers that there were a lot of people crowded around him following the accident. A female student or staff member particularly stands out in his memories of the bystanders.

    She kept him still to avoid further injury and offered words of comfort as they waited for the ambulance to arrive. When my roommate recounted what little he could recall of the accident, I was touched to hear of the actions of another Good Samaritan on campus.

    Toward the end of my freshman year I lost my wallet on campus. I arrived home for the summer to find a package waiting for me. A Good Samaritan had found my wallet and sent it to me with everything intact.

    My deepest gratitude goes out to these two students — Good Samaritans, if you will — that took time from their busy schedules to aid their fellow students.

    Whether it’s saving a life or returning lost property, I commend you for your examples of Christ-like love.

    John Kratzer


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