Red UK phone boxes protected from removal

Nearly half of the red telephone boxes in the United Kingdom have been removed due to the growing mobile phone industry, but thousands will remain as accident or suicide hotspots for people in need. Telecoms regulator Ofcom is proposing rules for 5,000 of the call boxes to remain open in areas with poor mobile coverage.
'Some of the call boxes we plan to protect are used to make relatively low numbers of calls. But if one of those calls is from a distressed child, an accident victim or someone contemplating suicide, that public phone can be a lifeline at a time of great need,' Ofcom's director of connectivity Selina Chadha said.
Worlds biggest potato found in New Zealand

While weeding one afternoon, Colin and Donna Craig-Brown came across the world's largest potato, weighing 17.4 pounds, right in their garden. They named the potato Doug, after the way he was unearthed. Colin claims he has no secret gardening tips, as potato Doug was self-sown in their cucumber farm.
'We put a hat on him. We put him on Facebook, taking him for a walk, giving him some sunshine. It’s all a bit of fun. It’s amazing what entertains people,' Colin said.
Veterans United gifts ten homes to 10 veteran families

Veterans United Home Loans, with the help of comedian, actor and retired U.S. Marine Rob Riggle, have surprised 10 veterans with new, paid off houses. This initiative's goal was to express gratitude for the veterans and their selfless service, volunteer work and community involvement.
'These veterans have continued to live the military value of 'selfless service' even after they've hung up their uniforms. Teaming with Veterans United to recognize these incredible veterans has been an amazing experience,' Riggle said.