Amidst the COVID-19 spike, Utah County's mask mandate has been terminated by the Utah County health department. But does that mean no more masks?... Not exactly.
The Utah County Health Department released a letter in which it rejected the application for a referendum of health order.
However, the state's new COVID-19 response plan still requires masks in Utah County. People who live in Utah County have different feelings about the changes.
22-year-old Chase Chatwin is hopeful that by abiding by the regulations it will help get past this pandemic.
Chatwin says, “I will definitely continue wearing my mask for as long as I need to, and even when they first started requiring masks at the first, I never had a problem with it. It bugs me just as much as it bugs anyone, but I think if we all just continue to wear our masks when we need to or when asked, I think that it will move things a lot quicker.”
Utah County resident Maddison Best says, “For me, I am a very laid back person so however it goes, I will roll with. If I walk into a place, I'm not going to refuse wearing a mask. I’m going to respect the people there — the owners, and the law, or what the government has asked us to do.”
“The people that make a big deal out of it,” says Chatwin, “I honestly think that’s pathetic, but that’s just me. but I honestly think you should just wear your masks when I asked to.”
Best says, “I don't think we knew what was coming, but if we would have stayed open and stayed strong and just been smart about cleaning and wearing masks, a lot of businesses would be doing good and our economy wouldn’t have crashed.”
For more info on state safety guidelines