Lone Peak women sophomore soccer team gets ready for 2020 season

photo by Addie Blacker

The Lone Peak women sophomore soccer team continued with preparations for their 2020 seasonal games amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many schools made adjustments to their curriculum, including sports programs such as soccer.

The 2020 Lone Peak high school women sophomore soccer team became the first sophomore program to be put in place. They play in the Utah Youth Soccer Association (UYSA).

Coach Koffi Johnson said COVID-19 made it difficult to practice everyday and travel for away games. Now, he coordinates with parents to make sure the girls stay safe during this pandemic.

“The girls bring in hand sanitizer; they make sure they wash their hands before practice, and after that, they do that at home as well. We make sure that their parents take care of them. They wash their hands when they get home.”

The sophomore team will feed into the varsity team with new talent that has the aim of continuously improving the soccer program in the school.

Navie Bromley, a member of the team said because of COVID-19, they no longer shake hands.

“We are not doing high fives at the end of games like we normally do. Some games we have to wear a mask only when we are on the bench, and then we can take them off when we are playing.”

Her teammate, Meg Pavia, said the coach is emphasizing their training on finishing the game well to win matches.

“All through the game, we play power twenty — which is like as hard as we can twenty minutes. That’s supposed to help get ready for the final twenty minutes of the game so that we can just give it our hardest to finish games off.”

The team played their first home game on Saturday last week.

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