A family’s homeschooling experience due to COVID-19


Families everywhere are being affected by COVID-19. Paulina Smith, mother of four, gives us a peek into her family’s experience.

“It’s been really hard because it’s just been challenging to meet the needs of the kids at different ages with regards to homeschooling, and different attention spans, and different abilities to work independently,” said Smith. “So it’s been challenging to find that balance between all of us doing schoolwork together and just focusing on one person at a time.”

Her ten-year-old son, Sam, also shares how he is utilizing his newfound free time.

“Well, we checked out a ton of books at the library and I’ve been reading those, but also I’ve been learning how to do card tricks on Youtube,” said Sam. “So I look at youtube and then I find card tricks, and I practice them and then perform them.”

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