Follow The Universe's coverage of the Parliament of World's Religions conference in Salt Lake City Oct. 15-19, 2015.
Individual stories will be linked here as they are available:
An introduction to the Parliament of World's Religions conference Leaders of the world's religions gather to celebrate and develop interfaith relationships.
Parliament of the World’s Religions opens in Salt Lake City with first-ever Women’s Assembly Women from various religions and circumstances share stories and goals for empowering women by standing up for themselves and the rights of others, becoming one through love and peace, and making a positive impact in the world.
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Mending young hearts, healing the legacy of trauma Students, professors and scholars from Nazareth College speak on cultivating religious tolerance through education and mutual respect.
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Opening ceremony celebrates people of all faiths Leaders of the parliament open the event to the thousands of people in the diverse, multi-cultural crowd by reminding them of the gathering’s theme: “Reclaiming the Heart of our Humanity.”
Parliament of the World's Religions: Magic demonstrates the golden rule Steffan Soule performs magic tricks to help people think of ways to express the Golden Rule. One instance is the fight against bullying, an aim of the Golden Rule Project.
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Flash mob energizes conference crowd Members of the organization SHEROES United perform flash mobs nationwide and at the Parliament gathering to raise awareness about women's suffering in violent relationships.
Parliament of the World’s Religions: BYU faculty weigh in on contraceptive mandate debate Members of the debate consider elements and implications of religious liberty from the Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision.
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Powerful women can and do change the world Speeches, songs, chants and films recognize and encourage women and their influence in the world.
Parliament of the World’s Religions: How religious identity is used and abused Religious leaders discuss interfaith unity through understanding and building relationships.
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Interfaith dialogue and derailing mass murder Religious leaders, college professors and students consider how understanding religion can improve the discussion on mass shootings.
Parliament of the World’s Religions: “Compassion Games” transform competition Games encourage participants to build community relationships through playing, sharing and celebrating.
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Faith groups urged to help eradicate poverty Speakers urge attendees to approach issues of poverty and treatment of prisoners with compassion and love.
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Muslim scholars examine ISIS, urge interfaith action Scholars inform Muslim and terrorist misunderstandings and urge education.
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Clarifying misperceptions about Islam to defeat ISIS Muslim scholars and leaders support education about faith and terrorism to bring all together in the fight against terrorism.
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Heroism embodied in Mandela, King Friends and acquaintances of past activists say getting to know heroes in the past as real people shows youth how to respond and act as current heroes.
Parliament of the World’s Religions brings faces from diverse religions (slide show) A slideshow shows the diversity of people and religions represented at the Parliament of the World's Religions.
Speeches, performances, and discussion filled the Parliament the World’s Religions (slide show) A slideshow shows how speakers, performers, crowds and participants interacted with the ideas and activities at the gathering.
Parliament of the World's Religions: Raising children to be prejudice-free Religious leaders and speakers say teaching children to love and understand people different from them will help children grow without prejudice.
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Participants speak on income inequality Speakers hope to raise discussion on income equality by changing perceptions of poverty, focusing on individuals and thinking critically about possible economic plans.
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Creatively doing good, both locally and globally Speakers and participants discuss how to better the world through humanitarian work and following the principle of 'mischief making,' or inspiring others to make changes.
Parliament of the World's Religions: Sikhs feed thousands at World's Religions conference Thousands of people from 80 countries and 50 different faiths flocked to Salt Lake City last weekend to be spiritually fed, but a group of Sikh volunteers took it upon themselves to ensure that they were physically fed as well.
Parliament of the World’s Religions: Spiritual, emotional care for veterans is needed after 'moral injury' Veterans gathered to discuss the symptoms of moral injury and ways to help returning soldiers cope with its side effects at the 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions.