PARIS (AP) — Two police officials say at least four people, including the attacker, have died at a kosher grocery in Paris where a

Police officers detain youth who riding a scooter outside a hostage-taking situation at a kosher market in Paris, Friday Jan.9, 2015. France's anti-terrorism prosecutor says a shooting and hostage-taking attack is underway at a kosher market on the eastern edge of Paris. A police official said there are multiple hostages and wounded at the scene. It is not known if the two youths were involved in the hostage taking situation. (AP Photo/Francois Mori)
gunman took several hostages.
Security forces stormed the grocery minutes after their counterparts assaulted the building outside Paris where two brothers suspected in the Charlie Hebdo killings had holed up.
The two police officials, who could not be named speaking about the quickly developing situation, confirmed the attacker died. One of the officials said three of the dead were hostages.
The gunman has been identified as Amedy Coulibaly.
None of the officials could say what has happened to the woman listed on a police bulletin as his accomplice.