Kerry warns N. Korea against missile attack

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, left, waves as North Korean military officers clap at a stadium in Pyongyang. (AP Photo)
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, left, waves as North Korean military officers clap at a stadium in Pyongyang. (AP Photo)

Secretary of State John Kerry traveled to Seoul, South Korea on Friday to warn North Korean leader Kim Jong-un against the test launching of the country’s Musudan missile, explaining the United States is willing to discuss negotiations granted that North Korea commits to denuclearization.

The missile in question has a range of 2,500 miles, meaning the potential victims of the weapon include Japan, South Korea or Guam.

There has been speculation that Mr. Kim will order the launching to commemorate the anniversary on Monday of the birth of Kim Il-sung, his grandfather and the founder of North Korea, or that it might be fired while Mr. Kerry is in the region.

Read the entire story here.

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