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Two byu teams selected to compete


For some BYU students the brand L’Oreal sparks more than thoughts about lipstick and hair gel. BYU is the only university to have two teams qualify for the L’Oreal Brandstorm marketing project.

Students from all over the world present a plan on how to promote a L’Oreal hair care product. In 2008 BYU took the title in the international L’Oreal Paris competition. After hearing about their success, team Rambutan member Tim Colvin  decided he wanted to win. After two years he finally met his goal, but so did another BYU team.

'I almost cried. I about freaked out. I really really wanted to win,' Colvin said.

The two teams used both marketing and advertising strategies to promote a southeastern Asian hair care product. They sent surveys to consumers across the world to better understand their new client’s needs.

“It was really hard...they said this was the hardest year (and) the hardest competition they have ever had,” Colvin said.

Both teams will pitch their projects in a national competition including over 280 universities. If selected, they will compete in Paris. The L’Oreal Brandstorm faculty adviser says he hopes to see BYU win again.

'Its been fun to hear other campus advisers talk about how they have put us on a little bit of a pedestal, to say if you can beat BYU then you're doing really well,”Jeff Street said.

Teams will start fresh with new research and a new product. Both teams say they are excited to compete in the next round for the chance to win internationally.

“(We are) back to the drawing board; we got a lot more ideas to come up with, but we are definitely looking forward to it,' said Colby Hawker, team member of ‘We are Worth it.'

L’Oreal will host the national finals this April in New York City where all the students will now invent a brand new idea and market that product to the judges.