BYU Offers Mission Prep Course Online


    By Andon Carling

    Future LDS missionaries are encouraged to prepare for their missions early by studying the gospel closely before going out into the field. At BYU, much preparation is done through Sharing the Gospel classes.

    Many students, however, are not able to enroll because of scheduling conflicts or other obstacles. To accommodate these special circumstances, BYU has made free alternatives are available online: Miss 71 “Preparing to Serve the Lord,” 72 “Making the Most of Your Mission” and 73 “Teaching Basic Gospel Principles.”

    All are available through BYU Independent Study at

    Lawrence R. Flake, professor of church history and doctrine, wrote the online course with his wife, Elaine Flake. Both have years of experience teaching Sharing the Gospel classes on campus.

    “The real purpose is to reach people who can”t come to BYU,” Flake said. “It”s really nice because it”s a world-wide outreach.”

    According to the Independent Study Web site, the course is not for credit, but students can track scores and get feedback for any incorrect answers.

    Brent L. Top, another professor of church history and doctrine, and former mission president in the Illinois Peoria Mission, recommended the course for anyone who couldn”t take the class on campus.

    “The emphasis of missionary work now, with teaching by the Spirit and not having memorized lessons, is that you”re going to be drawing upon your well of gospel knowledge,” Top said. “If you have just waited to start filling up the well until right before your mission, you”ll notice that you don”t have as much to draw from.”

    Michael L. Henderson, a former teacher and instructor at the Missionary Training Center, agreed.

    “Those who are prepared are able to work more diligently, with more vision in mind,” Henderson said. “Those who are unprepared don”t see the purpose of missionary work. They don”t see the duty that they have to fulfill.”

    While Flake said he tried to teach the same principles that he would in the classroom, he does not consider it a complete substitute.

    “I think the biggest difference is just the enthusiasm and the esprit de corps and the fun that you have when a group of prospective missionaries are together,” Flake said. “Obviously, you don”t get that when you”re doing it online.”

    Still, he strongly encouraged the online course for anyone who can”t make it to the class.

    “It”s a great thing to get immersed in the spirit and in the scriptures and in the enthusiasm from missionary work,” Flake said. “There”s nothing like it.”

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