Letters to the editor – Sept. 29



One of the things David Hunsaker (College Republicans, Viewpoint, Sept. 22) stated was: ?So, why is the world falling apart around us?? His answer was so full of unsubstantiated rhetoric that he gave no answer to his question. One of the reasons that I believe there is a problem in today?s world is because too many people try to force their narrow views on others.

I give two examples relating to gay relationships and abortion. You may not support abortion rights, and you have no obligation to have an abortion, but we do not have a right to prevent a woman from making decisions as guaranteed by the Supreme Court in Roe-v-Wade. Secondly, the right to marry (all marriages are civil unions) is controlled by the state and it should stay that way for two adults who wish to share their lives. Individuals have no right to impose their religious views on others to their detriment.

Regardless how we view the issues of abortion or gay relationships, a diverse society must be willing to accept differences in others, including points of view. It is the acceptance of diversity that will keep the world from falling apart. From what I understood by reading Hunsaker?s viewpoint, it is clear that the best way to make society better is to support the Democratic stance because that is the only viewpoint that does not advocate a denial of individual rights.

Donald L. Robertson

Vista, Calif.


I’m writing as a student stuck in the middle. The Democratic Party is in a state of transition and lacking overall appeal. However, with the Republican Party calling the shots and pundits like David Hunsaker, (Viewpoint, Sept. 22) talking of worlds falling apart, I’m concerned.

According to David, we should fear not, for “help is on the way.” In response, I would say that I am very afraid. The party of “responsibility” has sunk our country into a deficit of over $4 trillion. This tends to happen when you’re busy fighting two wars simultaneously, cleaning up after the biggest natural disaster in our nation’s history, funding tax breaks for Hummer drivers and paying for record-breaking subsidy packages ? all while refusing to raise taxes and increase revenue. Talk about a lesson in consequences. And that story about Sea World? Come on. Forgive me for having a hard time connecting the literalist brand of politics to real-world responsibility.

If help is forthcoming, as promised by Republican Hunsaker, I can only hope it doesn’t come in the form of repugnant FYI’s. So when we talk about putting the world back together, let’s start with our own country.

Benjamin Treasure

Pittsburgh, PA


I take issue with is the final sentiment of the Sept. 27 editorial on the Iraqi War. What exactly is the editorial board suggesting, that greater coverage of death tolls and casualty reports will lead to our disengagement from Iraq?

Beyond the lame “frog in boiling water” analogy (which happens to be false) the editors make no argument for why we should escape Iraq’s heat. Why is 1,900 such an important figure when it comes to war deaths? Loss of life is no reason to abandon a war. It should cause us to ponder the finality of such sacrifice, but does not necessarily mean that the purpose of that sacrifice was wrong.

The U.S. mission in Iraq is difficult and it requires perseverance. It took many years for Japan and Germany to reach their current status as world powers and liberal democracies. How can an editorial board that fails to bring that into perspective hope to make sense of the years and lives that have passed during our brief campaign in Iraq?

I applaud the focus placed on the sacrifice of our soldiers, but condemn the weakness of reasoning present in the editorial.

Joseph Lowry, Jr.

Gainesville, Fla.


The off-campus housing office is out of control! I recently received an e-mail informing me that since my landlord had not verified my contract information, I will be fined $25 on Friday, September 30th. It concerns me that the off-campus housing office has been periodically threatening students with fines.

There are many situations in which one would expect a fine: parking in a handicap parking zone, returning a library book late or damaging property. However, the fact that my landlord is not complying with the off-campus housing office?s ?new system,? is not one of these situations. I tried to find out just what other fines I have ?agreed? to pay by attending BYU, but the off-campus housing website supplies no further information. Will someone in the administration please help us students with the fine-happy off-campus housing office?

Micah Croft

Everett, Wash.


The production of last week?s Battle of the Bands was embarrassing to BYUSA and all involved in the event. Specifically, it?s hard to believe how unprofessional the sound and lighting were, considering the resources that are available for campus events. The microphones cracked and were hard to hear in every single one of the sets. Additionally, the drums, guitar and bass were, in varying combinations, non-existent or weakly amplified in every number.

BYUSA will never gain musical credibility (at least concerning popular genres) if they continue to put on poorly produced events. Besides just the production, the student body would also benefit from more experienced and informed judges who pick the acts that represent the best bands on campus. People that don?t go to concerts regularly and aren?t knowledgeable about the music scene are not the best decision makers involving a battle of the bands. I feel bad for the bands and audience that attended Saturday night?s activity because I don?t believe the best concert was put on; potential for such an event was not met in the slightest.

Lyle Schofield

Granite Bay, Calif.


In the article, ?History burns bright for 1776 author? (Sept. 28), it was written that the end of the American revolutionary war was the last day of 1776 ? if only! As 1777 dawned, the American colonists still had more than half a decade of hard fighting ahead of them: Cornwallis surrendered in late 1781, and the last British troops did not leave until the end of 1783. This ignorance of the basic facts of the revolutionary war seems to be exactly what Mr. McCullough deplored in his excellent address. Perhaps you should add a history major to your editorial staff.

Jonathan Christensen

Stockholm, Sweden


I would appreciate seeing an article in the Daily Universe that defines and entails some of the bike traffic laws in Provo. I am a car driver and have recently come close to running over a couple of bicycle riders who insist on riding across the crosswalk during a yellow light or other times when it is not appropriate (i.e., when the “pedestrians” don’t have a walk light).

I think it is great that people are riding bikes, but I feel that they should be responsible for their own safety and either obey the car laws or obey the pedestrian laws ? not chose the most convenient at the time and impede traffic flow. I feel that an article about the actual laws that apply to bicycle riders here in Provo could be beneficial both to car drivers and bicyclists.

Tarmy Lunt



The Wednesday article, “Wristband phenomena lets the ‘little guys’ say they care,” got me thinking. Is it really all that noble to want to advertise your charitable actions? Is it really even all that charitable to drop just a few dollars, of which only a portion goes to a given cause? Are people wearing charity wristbands because they care, or because they want to be trendy? It isn’t true that in the “pre-wristband era” “nobody knew that [you were charitable] but maybe the IRS and you.” God knows. Let’s not forget Matthew 6:1-4. I do not believe, for a second, that there is anything inherently wrong with buying a charity wristband (provided it’s for the right reasons, and not to be trendy or impress people). After all, every little bit helps. But as a substitute for private, anonymous donations to Church and secular charities it’s not a good thing.

Holly Flory

Centerville/Kettering, Ohio

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