Student benefits from Wells Fargo promotion


    By Adam Riggs

    Thomas Miller stood in line at Wells Fargo in the BYU Bookstore waiting for the next available teller when he noticed a promotion for a free five-speaker Sony home theater system.

    He never thought he would win the home theater system, but he picked up an entry form anyway.

    “I filled it out and dropped it in the box,” Miller said. “I forgot all about it until they called me and told me I won!”

    Wells Fargo runs promotions to make their business more appealing to the public.

    “It is a good way for us to show our appreciation to our customers,” said Mitch Lamb, lead teller at the BYU branch of Wells Fargo. “It also results in more people coming into the store.”

    The newest promotion from Wells Fargo is a trip to Hawaii. According to a pamphlet distributed by Wells Fargo, each person that opens a college checking account will be automatically entered to win the trip.

    Wells Fargo received approximately 500 entries for the home theater system, Lamb said.

    Miller, a sophomore from Alpine majoring in engineering and geology, is excited about his new home theatre system.

    “The great thing is that I would never buy anything like this for myself,” he said. “This is just a great day.”

    Even with the new system, Miller is going to have to invest some money to enhance his new setup.

    “Although I won the system, I don”t have a TV,” Miller said. “My roommate has something really small, but it doesn”t deserve to have a surround system. I may have to go invest in a better TV now.”

    As soon as Miller gets everything in place, he is going to plop down on his couch and test out the new equipment.

    “I can”t wait to watch Indiana Jones with my new system,” he said. “But the best experience will be anything with action and explosions.”

    Movies are not the only entertainment that will be blared from the speakers of the new system, Miller said. Songs from bands such as Radiohead and Modest Mouse will be played frequently.

    Miller is just happy that he gave Wells Fargo”s promotion a chance.

    “Of course I didn”t think I was going to win it,” he said. “No one ever does, right? I was just standing in the right place at the right time.”

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