Senate races through legislation


    By Kristen Curran

    The Senate moved quickly through several bills on their last day of the session.

    House bill 120, “Child welfare funding for in-home services,” was passed unanimously. The bill affects several state agencies, requiring the use of federal grants and private funds to provide in-home care and counseling before a child is removed from their home.

    “Lets put a fence at the top of the hill instead of an ambulance at the bottom,” said bill sponsor, Sen. John Valentine, R-Orem.

    Senate bill 245, “Medical Dispute Resolution Amendments,” was passed back to the House to reconsider an amendment the House added. The House Amendment provided for the opposing party arbitrators to choose a third arbitrator. Bill sponsor, Sen. Leonard Blackham, R-Moroni, encouraged the Senate not to concur with the House amendment. He preferred the original drafting where the parties, not their arbitrators, choose the third arbitrator.

    In a 16-9 vote, “Protection of Private Lawfully Obtained Property,” was passed. Sen. David Thomas, R-South Weber, was against passing the bill. He suggested sending it to conference committee where it could be revised and the federal provisions could be altered.

    The Senate passed House bill 341. The bill prohibits libraries from receiving federal funds unless the library has child protection filters on their computers.

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