Finding rest in Sunday football


    By Tory Betts

    As a red-blooded American male and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I have a serious dilemma.

    This problem faces many of our faithful male members of the church, well, mostly male members. This can affect a select group of females as well, provided they have the right mindset.

    I am talking about the American obsession with football. Yes, football. I”m sure right now there are a few of you rolling your eyes at the thought that football can be so important to some people.

    My brother feels the same way. My answer to him, and to other football haters is, “You just haven”t caught the vision yet.”

    The problem I”m faced with is the practice of watching football on Sundays. For insane college football fans, this isn”t a problem.

    But what about NFL football? What about keeping the Sabbath day holy? What about watching the artistic display of finely tuned athletic machines in action? What about going to church?

    All of these questions are spiraling inside the minds of many faithful Latter-day Saint pro-football fanatics. But is the term faithful Latter-day Saint pro-football fanatic a contradiction?

    In my quest to find out the right thing to do I have heard many opinions on the subject. I have had Sunday school teachers tell me watching football on the Sabbath is wrong. At the time I accepted what they said until I realized that they weren”t particularly smart individuals.

    I”ve heard people defend watching football by saying it is a form of relaxation, a way to rest from our troubles plaguing us during the week.

    To that I must give a resounding amen! I can”t speak for all pro-football fans, but I love nothing better than relaxing in front of a big screen and enjoying some football.

    Perhaps I am imagining this, but I”ve noticed that some people tend to put football in a separate class when it comes to watching TV on Sunday.

    I am extremely proud to say that I never have and never will watch any episode of “The Bachelor” or “The Bachelorette,” but I imagine that if the final episode of either series were broadcast on a Sunday, many of the same people who have a problem with football on Sunday, wouldn”t be able to resist the reality-TV temptation.

    I”m not trying to be cynical or generalize anyone. I”m only trying to defend my right to enjoy watching my team, the Buffalo Bills, roll their way into the playoffs and on to the Super Bowl. For those of you who haven”t rolled your eyes yet, now would be the appropriate time.

    That”s the beauty of football; you can fall into a fantasy world for a few hours, and forget all your weekly troubles, including all the homework that you should be doing.

    The dilemma, to watch or not to watch, can be addressed by deciding for yourself what is and isn”t an appropriate activity.

    I love football. I also love being a member of the Church. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, and when we”re done, we”re going to watch a football game.

    I know what some of you may be thinking, no man can serve two masters. But I don”t think there is any reason why I can”t have my cake and eat it too.

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