Devotional: Following Savior’s example


    By Stacey Wismer

    Alan Parkinson, a professor of mechanical engineering, will speak about following the Savior”s example in doing Heavenly Father”s will in the May 14 Devotional.

    “The topic will be along the lines of feeling the atonement more that just understanding it,” Parkinson said.

    Parkinson will use personal examples to demonstrate how to apply the Atonement.

    Jesus Christ asked for the bitter cup to be removed, yet his greatest desire was to submit to Heavenly Father”s will, Parkinson said.

    “This is a great lesson for us as we strive to yield our will to our Father in Heaven”s will,” Parkinson said.

    Parkinson received his bachelor”s degree from BYU and both his master”s and doctoral degrees from University of Illinois.

    He will speak in the de Jong Concert Hall at 11:05 a.m.

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