BYUSA lacks accountability


    Dear Editor:

    I have a one-word message for BYUSA: accountability.

    As an organization that exists primarily to regulate itself, BYUSA predictably and consistently fails to capture any significant level of student interest. Nevertheless, a minimal level of performance can reasonably be expected of those in student government; like successfully scheduling a location for the BYU Homecoming Dance.

    In his October 5th editorial “Spend Your Homecoming Dance Dollars Wisely,” Mr. Brady, BYUSA President, attempted to explain BYUSA’s failure to do so. According to Mr. Brady, earlier this summer one of the Campus Activities directors “probably” checked on the availability of the Capitol Building and eventually “assumed” that a volunteer had scheduled its use for the homecoming dance.

    Following much planning and several months of time, we are told that BYUSA was “surprised” to learn that another party, not BYUSA, had fairly and publicly scheduled the use of the Capitol for an “unofficial” homecoming dance.

    After a lengthy and patronizing tirade against this “gala of greed” and after lamely attempting to deflect responsibility for this guffaw away from BYUSA, Mr. Brady concluded by saying that it was not his intent to ask students to boycott the dance at the Capitol because he “probably couldn’t get away with that.” Rather, he simply wanted to let the student body know that BYU standards would just be “encouraged” at the Capitol, not “enforced.”

    Well, thanks for the warning.

    I would have liked to encourage BYU students to forgo the official BYU dances (where BYUSA would “probably” forget the music and food after “assuming” that someone else would take care of it), and instead, go to the dance at the Capitol. But I probably wouldn’t be able to get away with that.

    Brett W. Myers

    Salt Lake City

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