Weekend calendar


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    THEATER — COMEDY: “Angels on the Loose” will be performed at the Hale Center Theater Orem, 225 W. 400 North, at 7:30 p.m. The show, written by Orem resident Ruth Hale, is about a widow and widower whose dead spouses reluctantly help them find love. Tonight is the last performance. Tickets are $6-9; call 226-8600 for specific information or reservations.

    THEATER — COMEDY: “Charley’s Aunt” will be performed at the Villa Playhouse Theatre, 254 S. Main, Springville, at 7:30 p.m. The show, a farce, is about two guys who want to woo girls by impressing them with their rich aunt, only she doesn’t show up, so another guy has to dress up like her. Hilarity ensues. Tickets are $6. Call 489-3088 for more information.

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