Fixed towing rates needed


    Spencer Ward


    I appreciated the Sept. 11 articles “Towing ordinance put on hold” and also “Towing pains need attention.” Since I first read about the towing and booting policies of some organizations in The Daily Universe last spring, I have been more aware of where I park. I have also felt that something should be done to prevent towing companies operating with variable rates, and cash-only, no argument policies from unfairly taking advantage of car owners.

    The policies under consideration by Provo City Council as reported in the articles seem fair. Allowing a property owner to request the towing or booting action is a good idea. Requiring a sign to be posted, with the name, phone number and location of the towing organization is also fair. Having fixed rates, regardless of what they are, is a must for any reputable organization.

    If these policies go through, I will be somewhat relieved. We will all know the law, and be able to follow it. We will know that we will face fair consequences if we choose to break the law.

    If others feel that more should be done, the best way to voice that opinion would be at the city council meeting on Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. at 351 W. Center in Provo, where the issue will be decided.

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