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Archive (1998 and Older)

Burdens become light with campus lockers

Tired of hauling books around? The Key Office may have a solution.

Campus lockers are available in the Heber J. Grant Building, David O. McKay Building, Richards Building, Roland A. Crabtree Technology Building, Franklin S. Harris Fine Arts Center and John Taylor Building, said Emily Bybee, key office secretary.

'They're for students who have lots of books or equipment to haul back and forth. They're also for those who want to study on campus and just go home when they're finished,' Bybee said.

There are 1,484 lockers available on campus, said Carol Thomas, key office manager. These lockers are open to all students.

'We hope they are helpful to students,' Thomas said.

Jennifer Gunyan, a senior in fine arts from San Jose, Calif., has found the lockers helpful. She has rented a locker for almost two years. This year, she has two lockers. 'I put all my junk in them,' she said.

Small lockers may be rented for $1.50 and large lockers for $2.00. There is an additional $5 key charge for some lockers.

To rent a locker, students need to bring their ID cards to 285 BRWB. The Brewster building is on the corner of Campus Drive and 900 North.