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Archive (1998 and Older)

Volunteers battle small-town blazes


Another fire is burning on top of Y Mountain.

At the peak of Y Mountain a slight glow may be seen coming from a forest fire burning at the top of Slate Canyon.

The fire was reported Sunday night during the lightning storm, said Bret Ruby, fire management officer.

The firefighters did not find the fire until Tuesday when the flames became more visible. The Uinta Forest Service used a helicopter to drop water on the hot spots of the fire, but because of the rocky terrain, it was unsafe for firefighters to actually fight the fire directly.

The fire covers three acres, burning old logs and fallen trees in the area. Loyal Clark, public information officer for the forest service, said they did not expect the fire to grow anymore because of the rain.

The fire has been kept under control because of the rain and is expected to be out by Saturday. Ruby's strategy is to wait for the storms predicted for Saturday to put the fire out. If this does not work, they will wait until the fire burns to the top of the mountain, where it will be safe for fire fighters to be on the mountain.

They also have a helicopter on stand-by at the airport in case the fire gets out of hand, Clark said.

Nothing is being threatened in the area, Clark said. Residents should plan to see a lot of smoke, but the fire is not serious.