The Women's Research Institute funds student and faculty research, oversees the women's studies minor, and sponsors conferences with visiting scholars. It wants students to be involved with womens' issues.
'We encourage students and faculty to study womens' lives,' said Nissa Allred of the Institute.
Allred is compiling data on women's literacy in Kenya. 'Any faculty or student can apply for grant money to help fund projects (like literacy in Kenya that) study women's issues,' she said.
Research grants for faculty and students are due March 15 for projects beginning in September. Applications are in 970 SWKT.
Laga VanBeek, a student pursuing a Ph.D. in American History, received a $750 research grant.
She is focusing on women's views of peace between the years 1914 and 1923. The money has helped her get microfilm of women's magazines from different places around the country.
Sharon Carver, also a doctoral candidate in American History, said she likes the Women's Research Institute because it 'allows you to think of women's subjects that might not be explored by other institutions.'
She had a grant last year to search out records of women's organizations and associations in Utah. A lot of records were unavailable in libraries and she said the research money helped her travel to more obscure locations.
'It allowed me to do research I couldn't have afforded myself at the time,' she said.
The Women's Research Institute also oversees the women's studies minor.
Many students find that the minor is very broad and allows study in many fields. 'I wanted an interdisciplinary minor and this was the only one,' said Jocelyn Kearl, an employee of the Institute.
The 19-credit minor allows elective credits in art, health, English, family sciences and others.
Brown bag luncheons sponsored by the WRI also interested her, Kearl said. These luncheons are now called the Women's Studies Colloquium.
The colloquium is required for two semesters as part of the minor but Allred said anyone is welcome to come.
Elizabeth Sage of the history department will speak at the colloquium Feb. 8. The colloquiums are held periodically on Thursdays at 12 p.m. in 369 and 369A ELWC