Citizens are filing in. But only seconds before, police were evacuating the block, telling everyone to wait at the end of the street or find another voting center.
"I think people are very anxious about how, whoever side loses, how they're going to react,” voter Eric Nelson said. "That's probably why they're boarding up windows and stuff downtown."
"After last elections, the insurrection and everything being in D.C., I'm afraid either way about what will happen,” voter Dallas Brooks said.
Brooks also said that this year's election felt bigger than just two parties competing, but that it was more about maintaining rights and freedoms.
But there is much to be hopeful for.
"Understanding that we are all stakeholders is a good and positive thing," voter Nancy Groth said.
"It’s just a lot more people just being active and realizing how much their vote matters," Brooks said.
The D.C. Board of Elections reported over 140,000 ballots received by citizens who participated in early voting this election.
"I'm worried about the divisiveness in the country," voter Larry Matheson said. "I worry about my peace and my prosperity."
One thing is certain: the people coming to vote today hope for a better future in politics.
"We all care about this country and kind of, you know, come together a little more," Nelson said.