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What to know about winter intramural sign-ups

Intramural sport registration deadlines are coming up for BYU and activity slots are limited and filling up fast.

Students can register online at the BYU student wellness page as a single, double, team or free agent.

Intramural Sports
Intramural sports rotate depending on the semester. Registration for winter intramural sports closes Jan. 9. (BYU Student Wellness)

Purpose and Mission

Intramural sports at BYU have been present since the early 1900s. With more than 10,000 participants each year, it is one of the largest intramural programs in the country. The mission goal of intramural and student wellness states:

“Student Wellness provides programs, services, education, and facilities that inspire students to live well, connect, and form lifelong wellness behaviors that lead to a healthier and happier life.”

Students are encouraged to use intramural sports as a way to ingrain wellness patterns into their life and create outlets for health and happiness. Kailey Condie, a BYU student and intramural sports participant, shared her perspective about intramural participiation.

"I think everyone should try out intramural sports. It’s a good way to meet people and have something to do, especially during the winter," Condie said.

Additionally, BYU Student Wellness is also a major advocate for sportsmanship. Their website lists principles for their “Spirit of Sportsmanship” guidelines to help all students keep honor and integrity on and off the field.

A familiar principle highlighted on their list is to “Stand as a Witness.” In the explanation they include a scripture from Mosiah 18:9:

“We are to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places.”

Those participating in intramural sports, whether they be an athlete, referee or spectator, are all encouraged to be “consistent with who (they) are,” and to keep Christ’s example in their hearts.

Registering as Singles or Doubles

Registration dates for singles and doubles activities vary. The first round of activity registration will open Monday, Jan. 6 2025 and close Thursday, Jan. 9.

Other singles and doubles activities registration will open at later dates. These activities include tennis, spikeball, racquetball, innertube water polo and wallyball. Depending on the activity, students can register as women’s, men’s or mixed.

To see more detailed information about registration dates and doubles availability, visit the intramural sports fall 2024 events calender.

Registering as a Team

Players wishing to register for an intramural sport as a team must have already assembled enough players to fill a team roster.

If players are looking for members interested in filling a spot on their team, they may look at the free agent list to find the names and contact information of students looking to join a team.

Team sports can consist of all women, all men or coed teams. Limited team sports are available for registration and spots are likely to fill up, so those who are interested in participating should grab their teams soon.

Registration fees range from $40-$50. Registration closes Jan. 9. To see which team sports are still open for registration, visit the intramural team registration page.

Registering as a Free Agent

Registering as a free agent means that a player wishes to join a team sport but does not have a team to join with.

Players can put themselves on the free agent list with their name, contact information, activity and activity availability so teams looking to fill spots can contact them from the list.

Free agents can also contact each other from the list to assemble a team.

There is no fee to sign up as a free agent. Signing up does not guarantee you a spot on a team.


Eligibility is available to many members of the BYU community. Some restrictions apply.

Full time students enrolled in 12 or more credits are eligible. Part-time students are eligible with a $25 fee. Additionally, spouses of students, student employees, students on leave of absence, and non-degree seeking students are eligible with the $25 fee.

Current faculty and administrative staff, including three-quarter and full-time employees and their spouses are eligible. Children of staff and faculty are not granted intramural privileges.

Rules and Rewards

All sports will be judged according to the official interscholastic amateur rule book. These rules can be checked out at the intramural office in 145 RB on campus.

All participants are required to sign a release agreement stating that they assume risk before they can register. The policy for participants under the age of 18 states:

“Participants under the age of 18 must provide an assumption of risk and release agreement for minors, and a parental acknowledgement regarding the BYU Concussion and Head Injury Policy. These documents must be signed by the participant's parent or legal guardian and submitted to the Intramural Office prior to participation in the Intramural program.”

Participants are required to wear modest athletic uniforms. Cleats considered dangerous for play by the activity supervisor are prohibited. Certain team sports require shirt/jerseys specifications described on the uniforms and equipment page.

Equipment is not provided unless otherwise stated on the information sheet.

Winners of each tournament division will have Intramural Champion T-shirts available to them.

Schedule Information

Intramural activities are typically scheduled Tuesday through Friday with times slots from 6:15-10:15 p.m. Weekend games occur on Saturdays from 8:15 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Activities can be scheduled outside of those times if needed.

Specific schedules can be found on the events calender. Playing dates vary, with the first wave of activities beginning Jan. 12, 2025 and the last ones Apr. 11.

In order to participate in a team sport, each player on the team is expected to be on the online roster by 3 p.m. in order to be eligible to play in weekday games. For Saturday games, players must be registered by 3 p.m. Friday to be eligible to participate.