193rd Annual General Conference brings Latter-day Saints from around the world to Utah


Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gathered from all over the world to listen to leaders of the Church testify of Jesus Christ during the Saturday sessions of General Conference on April 1.

From Ghana to Brazil, men, women and children worked hard to arrive in person to listen to the prophetic counsel given.

Attendees and viewers of the conference learned about the importance of building their faith in Jesus Christ.

Elder Evan A. Schmutz of the Seventy said, “As we come unto Him, we have His promise of eternal life. People who trust the doctrine of Christ endure to the end.”

While the world faces challenges, believers in Jesus Christ can take comfort and find joy in the message of the gospel.

Elder Craig C. Christensen of the Seventy said, “The gospel message is a message of hope, of ‘good tidings of great joy,’ and the means whereby all can experience peace and occasions of joy in this life and receive a fulness of joy in the life to come.”

The examples that members of the Church share with their neighbors can spread that joy to all who are willing to hear it.

Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve said, “Our Christlike example of kindness, righteousness, happiness and sincere love for all peoples can create not only a guiding beacon light for them but also an understanding that there is a safe harbor in the ordinances of salvation and exaltation of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.”

McCall Hope, a BYU student attending the conference in person for the first time, felt peace as she listened to the messages from Church leaders. Hope said, “Just this idea of finding peace in Christ, and the peace that He’s so willing to offer us if we’re willing to find it, and to find Him.”

The counsel of Church leaders has the potential to change lives, thanks to Jesus Christ. 

Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve said, “Because of Jesus Christ, everything changed. Because of Him, everything is better. Because of Him, life is manageable — especially the painful moments. Because of Him, everything is possible.”

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