Donut Roundabout


Mountain View High School students had quite the surprise Monday morning.

Tessa Conrad gave a little insight about what she thought of the new feature outside her high schools doors. “When I heard it was going to be a roundabout, I thought it was going to be a raised roundabout. I didn’t think it was going to be a donut!”

Friday night local artists and volunteers showed up with paint and brushes to get busy painting the new roundabout outside the high school and Orem fitness center. This was in effort to test a new tactic to mediate traffic in place of the previous three-way stop.

Chris Wiltsie, who works for Orem City, said, “The idea is a sort of prototyping treatment to the built environment to either slow down cars or make it safer for pedestrians.”

This trend of painting roads to raise awareness in Provo and Utah started between 2014 and 2015. This donut roundabout outside the high school is one of their newest projects.

Chris continued by explaining where this idea came from and who helped paint it. “There was an artist who had a basic idea of what she wanted it to look like, and then everyone came together Friday night and painted this. It was kind of a little bit of let’s see what looks best to get the basic idea.”

The artist clearly knew her crowd well, because the bright pink and yellow colors were a total hit. High school students and kids can’t help but run, point, and play around this new roundabout!

Reviews on the project have been very positive. The city says even though some people don’t totally care for the color scheme, they like the concept and would like to see more. For more information and to cast your opinion on the matter visit their website:

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