Police Beat Nov. 14-19




Nov. 14 — A person entered the Heritage Hall’s construction sight and climbed to the top a crane. At the top, the person waved a flashlight. When officers arrived the person was gone.


Nov. 18 — An employee in the Smith Fieldhouse said a coworker hit people on the head and slapped people in a playful manner, despite repeated requests for the student to stop.


Nov. 17 — A Trek bike, valued at $200, and a bicycle helmet were stolen from the bike racks next to Building 28 in Heritage Halls.

Nov. 18 — A donation box, containing $10, was stolen from a Wilkinson Student Center booth supporting “Kids on the Move.”


Nov. 18 — A male and female were blasting music from a car in the south west stadium parking lot. An officer responded to complaints from nearby homes and asked the people to turn the music down.


Nov. 14 — A group was asking for donations to “Pennies by an Inch.”  Officers responded and informed the group that they needed to get approval from BYU and requested them to leave campus. The group complied.



Nov. 17 — Provo Police obtained a search warrant for a house south of campus. During the search detectives found: 130-grams of marijuana, 12 125-miligrams capsules  of “dub” (marijuana that has THC equivalent to 60 joints in one capsule) , scales and other drug paraphernalia, and one stolen handgun. A BYU student was arrested on suspicion for various drug and firearm charges.




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