Police Beat: Falling scooter causes damage


Public Peace

July 12- A small white vehicle was reported pulling a skateboarder near 12 a.m. in lot 45. An officer was dispatched and there was no one there when she arrived.

July 15- A large group of students was reported being noisy near Heritage Halls at 1:30 a.m. There were 40-50 people in swimsuits. They had constructed a makeshift slip ‘n slide and were in the process of taking it down when the officer arrived. The officer arrived and asked them to disperse.


July 11- A 51-year-old male fell off his bike between the Harold B. Lee Library and the Book Store. His fall was a result of his bag getting caught in the spokes. He was alert and denied any trouble breathing. He may have broken his wrist but it has not been confirmed.


July 10- A  Fixie bike was stolen from Wyview Park. The model is Thruster and it is described by the victim as looking like a bike “Ronald McDonald would ride.” No bike has been found.

July 11- A burglary was reported in May Hall. The victims were in the room opposite the bedroom and they saw a male exit the first floor. They returned to the bedroom where they found it had been ransacked. Forty dollars were reported stolen in 20 dollar bills and an iPod. The suspect was described as 12-years-old, redhead, about 5 feet 6 inches tall and wearing a white T-shirt with lacrosse shorts. One victim later found the two 20 dollar bills and iPod and now believes it was a prank.


July 10- A youth group reported seeing suspicious activity on July 9 at 7 p.m. They saw eight males taking off parts of a bike. One of the males said to an observer, “Hey, you’re not going to tell on us are you?” The males then left the area, some riding away on bikes. When officers arrived, they found the bike had no tires but the frame was still locked to the rack. The bike owner was contacted who said it was a prank and that he was not concerned about it.

July 11- A suspicious person was reported to be checking bike locks near the Richards Building. When police arrived, the suspect had left. There was a five minute delay in the call.

July 12- At 1:30 a.m. a male was reported loitering in the Helaman Hall tunnel. The complainant said he had walked through the tunnel and that when the male was looking at him, it made him uncomfortable. Officers went to the area and did not find anyone. They found one man who said he had been standing in the tunnel alone waiting for his girlfriend. It was likely the same man and there was nothing suspicious about him. The case is closed.

July 12- A man and woman were looking at bicycles and using bolt cutters to remove abandoned bikes. The two were student employees and claimed their supervisor had given them permission to take the bikes. The police officer told the students they cannot take abandoned bicycles. Contact has been made with the supervisor to correct the misinformation.

July 14- Two males were seen using metal detectors and digging in grass near the Karl G. Maeser Building. The officer made contact with them and the men said it was a hobby. The officer found no damage to the grass. All contact was congenial and no further contact was needed.

July 14- A group of students wearing dark clothing and hockey masks were reported to be attempting breaking into cars. The suspects were located on the east side of basketball courts. Police discovered they were not burglarizing cars. The students said they were “just being stupid and doing nothing wrong” and  “going around and scaring people.” The officer found they had been throwing snappers on the ground and they used no pyrotechnics. The officer explained that there behavior was tumultuous. No one was cited.

Found property

July 16- A bag was brought in to the police office. The bag contained miscellaneous papers, an iClicker, a phone sleeve, a small rubber ball, hair ties, pencils and a small carabiner. The bag was placed in evidence for safe keeping and will be turned into the lost and found.


July 14- At 5:28 p.m. a large family from Texas, all BYU alumni, were inside LaVell Edwards Stadium. The no trespassing sign was not visible at the time they entered and the gate was open. The family was advised to leave after taking the picture.

July 15 -Near 3:30 p.m. someone was found walking on the field at LaVell Edwards Stadium. He gave police a false name, and then said, because he was scared, he gave his real name. The stadium had been  locked down. He said he had seen the no trespassing sign, but he pretended he was playing for BYU football. He was arrested and cited for trespassing. He was soon after released.


July 14- There have been several theft reports from the Wyview Park area. A police officer was delivering fliers to students informing them of the thefts. While delivering fliers, dispatch received a call from a Wyview student. The student confessed that she had taken a bike. She showed the police officer where the bike was she had taken, filed a statement, and the officer took possession of the bike and the bike is impounded and the police are currently looking for the victim.


July 12- A paint crew working inside LaVell Edwards Stadium reported a fire on the north scoreboard. The scoreboard has four tiers and the third contains all electrical wires. Work was being done on both scoreboards and it is believed that the fire was caused by electrical wires in the third tier. The Provo Fire Department was summoned and the fire was put out. Investigation is underway to find out the cause.

Property Damage

July 10- In a parking lot at 8 a.m., a man’s scooter fell on top of another scooter. The driver of the fallen scooter picked his up and walked away without leaving any information to the damaged scooter. The observer was the owner of the second scooter and he called police. When they arrived, they found a crack in the cover shield. There was no visible license plate on the first scooter. When police opened the seat, normally where registration is stored, they found the scooter registration three years over due. The officer called the offending scooter owner, and told him to register his vehicle. The officer then called the victim and gave him the name and number of the offender and said the offender would call him.

July 12- A BYU employee driving a BYU van collided with a concrete retaining wall while attempting to avoid a pedestrian. The left trailer wheel and fender were damaged.

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