Coming off several disappointing losses, the Brigham Young University Women’s Golf team is excited about their future golf competitions.
BYU golf hasn’t had the best of luck starting off their season, but after a promising win this weekend they feel more confident. Senior Naomi Soifua helped lead the team to a top-five finish at their tournament and is hopeful about the rest of the season.
“It felt really good,” Soifua said. “We've been struggling this past year, so to have accomplished that was a big boost for our team's self esteem. It just made us more, for lack of a better word, hopeful.”
The players compete as individuals and together to improve their game and win. “You will help the team most if you, yourself, do your job, ... so we really just try to focus on ourselves when we go out there and play and try to play to the best of our abilities,” Soifua said. “If we do that we're doing our part to help out our team and that's how we contribute.”
The golf team looks forward to their season and competing with one another. Their next tournament is this weekend in Hurricane and they’re prepared to defend their home turf.