At her front door were two missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. “They asked me if I believed in Christ,” Elizabeth said, “and I told them that I had been trying to find Him.”
The following week, she met the missionaries at the local chapel to learn more about the message they had to share. She said, “When I pulled up to the chapel and the elders opened the doors, I felt this overwhelming sense of home. I felt the peace and the stillness of the building and knew that it was where I needed to be.”
She began attending Church services and studied with the missionaries, reading from both the Bible and the Book of Mormon and finding answers to the questions for which her heart had been searching. Eventually, she decided to be baptized and become a member of the Church. “Making the decision to be baptized was a pretty easy one because as soon as I entered the chapel that first time, I knew I was home.”
Now, nearly a decade later, this journey of faith is still the defining event of her spiritual life. “The bedrock of my faith is my journey of spending about 3,000 hours over eight months searching for the meaning of life,” she said. While her trials didn’t disappear after her baptism, she now knows why she’s here, and she’s able to face her struggles with an eternal perspective.
As The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints celebrates the 200 year anniversary of Joseph Smith’s First Vision, Elizabeth says she can relate to Joseph Smith because of her own struggle to find truth. “I know Joseph Smith was a true prophet because I can relate to him so much,” she said. “I appreciate him so much more especially as my own faith journey unrolls.”
To anyone else who may be struggling with knowing why they’re here enduring trials, Elizabeth says, “Personal revelation is real. To get further revelation is always going to require action on our part, and then it’s always going to be up to us to act on the answers we receive. We’re not going to know everything, and we’re not going to be perfected in this life. Answers will come in bits and pieces. Just keep going with what you know.”