Increase local security
In today’s world, there’s increasing danger at public events. In the past couple years, we’ve seen the Boston Marathon bombing, the 'Dark Night' shooting, the Paris bombing, school shootings, and more recently, the Belgium bombing. These tragedies have not only hurt the people involved, but have had a ripple effect on hundreds, even thousands of people who have been deeply moved by these events. When will the world decide to protect its people?
After 9/11, security at airports was stepped up to help guarantee safety to innocent travelers. Unfortunately, these people are not allowed the same safety in their own communities. It’s time for the world to strengthen security in public places, such as concerts, theatres, and other gatherings.
Whether it be bag checks at movies or metal detectors at festivals, little pushes for safety are steps in the right direction. Our world spends extreme amounts on exterior public defense; it’s time to defend the interior. We aren’t only protecting ourselves, but potentially sparing the lives of our families, friends, and colleagues. The devastation that Belgium has seen has hurt their people greatly. Why should we go through this same trial if we can prepare in advance?
When will we learn? Let’s make our security a top priority.
— Sarah Pugsley
Holladay, Utah
The fork in the road
How this presidential election is decided will ultimately determine whether this nation will become a truly life-changing state of socialism or remain in a state of capitalism.
Socialism strongly requires a larger government with more regulation control and power. Socialism is anti-innovation, anti-individualism. Under socialism, a ruling class of intellectuals, bureaucrats and social planners decide what the people want, or what is good for society, and then it uses the coercive power of the State to regulate, tax, and redistribute the wealth from those who work for a living. Businesses are ultimately nationalized. Socialism creates minimal private sector jobs and expanded government jobs.
By contrast, the Constitution allows the incentive system to flourish – to be able to start a small business and (if left) unfettered, it will become whatever it can worldwide. It is the only social system that rewards merit, ability and achievement, regardless of one's birth or station in life. It sparks in that man or that woman the entrepreneur with unlimited drive, initiative, insight, energy, daring creativity, optimism and ingenuity, thus creating wealth. Most modern technological advances and the bettering of human lives have been made possible through capitalism. It is the great giver to the world. Socialism is the great taker.
When each of us enters the voting booth in November, the personal decision is only between two opposing forces – increasing oppressive government control, regulation, and growing debt vs. constitutional free agency, growth, and national sustainability.
Why defeat the great miracle of this country? I adamantly and profoundly choose capitalism, any day!
— Dave Olpin
Provo, Utah
BYUSA: Help change the Cougareat
Thousands of students swarm the Wilkinson center every day for at least one of their essential meals. The Cougareat offers refuge to its loyal customers who have little choice but to pay a premium price for grab-and-go grub. For an institution that is known for its excellent and affordable education, it is shocking that BYU doesn’t subsidize the students’ number one need — fuel to learn. As a private university, BYU has an increased ability to fix internal problems, if brought to the administration’s attention.
Students who are close to graduating have spent many long hours and (have contributed) financial expenditure toward building up the university and the community as a whole. In order to recognize their efforts and encourage them to continue to eat on campus, BYU could sponsor discounts for these students who have already devoted so much of their lives, money, and time to becoming a reputable BYU graduate.
Because BYU has such a large population of guaranteed customers, it has the power to negotiate with large chain restaurants. BYU could use their tremendous power and affluence in the business world by compromising with restaurants to subsidize food for students.
The only way to begin resolving this issue that daily affects the quality of life of thousands of students is to make it known to the student body through our influential student leadership. If BYUSA becomes aware of how pressing this matter truly is, we as students could have a chance to finally make a change.
— Anna Houston
Santa Barbara, California