Skull on Table
photo by Kristene Wallock
There is no better day than Halloween to confront your fears. A haunted house in Orem is taking scary to a whole new level. Castle of Chaos lets the actors grab people as they walk through.
Imagine walking through a darkened maze, you turn a corner and see a table full of skulls and blood, a crazed vampire jumps out at you, and (as if that weren't scary enough) the vampire grabs you and carries you off into the next room.
James Bernard, CEO of Castle of Chaos says,“That allows the actors to literally pick you up drag you off, throw you in a box on an operating table...Vampires feed on you. It’s pretty intense.”
The zombies and clowns don't get to grab everyone who braves the Castle of Chaos, but if that is something you want to happen, you can sign a waiver and purchase a glowing wrist band or necklace that lets the ghouls know its okay to lay their bloody hands on you. Normally, a vampire picking you up is technically committing the crime of battery, but with a signed waiver in hand, they can grab you as much as they want.
Deidre Galluzzo, the Make-Up Director at Castle of Chaos, says, “I get to talk about how much fun they had and how scary it is and how inventive and different it is than any other haunt in Utah.”
Castle of Chaos has four different haunts ranging from mildly scary to downright terrifying. This is Castle of Chaos's first year in Utah Valley. Bernard says the thousands of college students with little to do for Halloween means plenty of people to scare.
For more information on Castle of Chaos visit their website at: http://castleofchaos.com/