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Blog: Provo mayor scrutinizes parking enforcement

Provo Mayor John Curtis recently posted a blog about his concerns with the current issue of 'predatory' towing and booting. He asked Provo locals to write in with their complaints and stories to help the council have a better idea about what is happening.

What are the complaints?



Most of the concerns express that there is no leniency when it comes to temporary parking for just a few minutes. In residential areas surrounding BYU campus there are also no available public parking lots. Another issue shared by several students is that the enforced parking areas are not well marked.

So what are the policies?

The city of Provo have general requirements, but every apartment complex and neighborhood seem to have their own set of rules. Online maps can be found to show where permits are required and what various permit programs that have been implemented. Instructions on how to appeal a ticket are also provided by the city, but the general public seems to be discouraged by this process. It seems to be easier and less stressful to just pay the $50 for a boot that go through the protocol of filling out the necessary forms, gathering evidence and photos, and going to the court house for an official hearing.

What is being done about this issue?

The Provo City Council met on October 16th to discuss the issue and layout the problem at hand. 'In truth, I’m not sure what can be done but it’s time to take a hard look. We are constrained by state law in many ways, but within our ability, I want to make sure we are doing all we can,' said Curtis. The solutions will take time to implement and make changes, but the process has begun. Click here for the Universe's response to the meeting and what is being done to address the parking problem.