More Utah Students Are Taking AP Exams - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content
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More Utah Students Are Taking AP Exams

More students in Utah are graduating with college credit than ever before. The competitive push for taking advanced placement exams and the benefits has nearly 10% increases in student participation. The test helps students get college credit in High School, and offers other benefits. Jim Lu, a senior at Timpview High School says he enjoys the challenge.

'I think AP classes are more difficult, so they help prepare me more for college...I can also get the college credit that can save time and money,' says Lu.

Lu is studying for his 8th AP Exam right now, and has received the highest score in 5 AP course already. He gives the credit to his own hard work, and the school.

'Yeah, most of the teachers are really good at teaching AP. I think they prepare you really well for the exams and stuff, so a lot of them have good passing rates,' Lu shares.

The College Board says students are passing more of their tests than last year, and compared to the rest of the nation,Utah leads in AP Exam scores as well. Nate Warner, AP Coordinator for Timpview High, say they are pushing students for the positive experience AP Exams can be.

Warner divulges, 'We try to create a culture in our school at Timpview High School of really encouraging every student to set a goal to take at least one AP course during high school to have that experience where they're challenged more with higher rigor. They can learn more.”

Warner also said students realize that they can save a lot of money through this program. For $89 they can take 6 college credits, which save them hundreds in the long run.